On Nov 4, 2007, at 3:12 PM, ilya .ะด wrote:
On Sun, Nov 04, 2007 at 07:12:40PM +0100, Frank Barknecht wrote:
There's a lot of "-background white" or "-borderwidth 1" there, which would become: "-background $theme_bgcolor" or "-borderwidth $theme_bwidth" etc. The theme config file then would just need to be included from pd.tk with something like (pseudocode):
# set defaults: set theme_bgcolor white set theme_bwidth 1 # ... # source theme as provided from command line to overwrite # defaults: source $theme_from_commandline
The file "theme_from_commandline" would just need to specify variables in tcl-syntax:
set theme_bgcolor grey set theme_bwidth 2 ...
I added variables in pd.tk so you can edit that if you want to make
your own theme.
that's what i was just meaning at the top of the thread somewhere .
People then could write lots of funky themes and distribute them on websites and everybody would be happy couples.
The only thing to write would be some variables in pd.tk and a loader which fills the $theme_from_commandline variable. And maybe think about if simply sourcing the file is a security hole.
why do you think it could be ? there so many files sources in different apps, as i know ..
i heard pd is generaly not as secure as some openbsd system apps...
Frank Barknecht _
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