How does the 4 digit number get assigned to $0? I have always been curious about this.
On 8/16/07, Matteo Sisti Sette wrote:
marius schebella wrote:
it is a pity that there is no $0 in messages. that would help so much!
I use local send/receive like s $0-blabla. with messages you always have to mess with workaounds to achieve the same result. marius.
Yeah, and the very same happens when you use [send/receive $1-blabla] and you need to change it into a message box.
I personally think it is a pitty that message boxes use $'s with a different meaning than objects; it would be far more elegant (in my opinion obviously) if message-arguments used a different symbol, and if the $n in a message box referred to the n-th argument of the patch, not the message; that would include $0. That's how max works (if I'm not confused), where I think # refers to patch creation arguments and $ refers to message arguments (though probably max doesn't have a #0, does it?)
That's the ONLY one thing I like more in max than in PD... up to now.
The only way of introducing such a facility without breaking backward-compatibility (or is it forward?), would be to introduce a "third" symbol, say "@" (well it should be one that is currently not allowed in messages): @n if used inside a message, would refer to the "$n" of the patch (including @0), and outside a message box, i.e. in an object, it would be a synonim of $n.
Is this nonsense?
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