On Mon, 2012-10-01 at 00:14 -1000, Rick T wrote:
Greetings All
I'm trying export time to a file in the format YYYYMMDDhhmmss but it doesn't concatenate YYYY MM DD hh mm ss when I use the pack object. I can export the data to a file but how do I concatenate everything together so it outputs as YYYYMMDDhhmmss with no spaces in-between?
You probably need to do that in two steps:
Make sure, that all numbers have the correct number of digits
glue everything together
Use [makefilename %02d] to create a two digit symbol (<- yeah, the output is a symbol!) with leading zeros from the incoming float. For the year you need [makefilename %04d] in order to create a four-digit symbol. You get the idea.
Use [pack s s s s s s] to put everything into a single list message. Then you get rid of the spaces with a message box like this: [symbol $1$2$3$4$5$6(