Time stretching is usually done one of two ways, both of which involve a kind of "windowing" of the array: you can use an FFT analysis (of which there are examples which come with PD), or you can use granulation.
In general, FFT is more accurate, but more expensive. Granulation is used to squeeze the samples in Ableton Live into the BPMs/divisions that one wants. It can also be fairly accurate, the smaller the grains, the more grains are used and the the more overlaps the grains have.
Check my ParticleChamber abstraction for a use of windowed array granulation for time domain manipulation independent of pitch.
http://www.puredata.org/Members/derek/Particlechamber.zip/ http://www.puredata.info/Members/derek/screenshot.png
best, d.
F R E N K wrote:
Thanks to everybody for the quick solutions for the clicking problem... I have a new question, is there a way to perform timestretching on arrays? Or on anything, this would probably be the final step for having a great live slicer!
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