Thanks for the advice everyone.
Yes the error was obvious, sorry.
The blanks is causing a problem as in some ascii art there can be just one character placed at any point on a line. But I need to keep the formatting of the line.
sorry i didn't fully understand your problem. hopefully i now do: you need to preserve multiple blanks in a row. actually this is a problem with the parser of [textfile]/[msgfile], which automatically strips duplicate whitespaces.
however, multiple whitespaces are per se not a problem when it somes to [text3d]: using a tricky combination of whitespace symbols (made with [makefilename]) and concatenating them with [l2s] can produce any number of blanks within a symbol.
another possibility is, that the CVS-version of the text-objects can also be fed by ascii-code instead of symbols, compatible with moocow's pd-string library.
see attached file for examples for both ideas.
most probably it would be the simplest way, to just write an ascii-art reading object that outputs the ascii-encoded image. (using symbols for strings is sub-optimal)
mfg.asdr. IOhannes
#N canvas 0 0 1007 315 10; #X obj 745 129 gemhead; #X obj 745 237 text3d; #X obj 69 104 gemwin; #X msg 69 72 create , 1; #X obj 314 80 gemhead; #X obj 314 258 text3d; #X msg 327 236 text $1; #X obj 327 215 list2symbol; #X msg 327 192 list @ $1 @; #X obj 327 159 makefilename %c; #X msg 327 134 32; #X msg 758 210 string 64 32 32 32 64; #X obj 42 205 gemhead; #X obj 42 248 text3d @__@; #X obj 314 102 translateXYZ 0 2 0; #X obj 745 151 translateXYZ 0 -2 0; #X text 311 41 needs zexy; #X text 436 157 generate a symbol " "; #X text 422 194 a list containing a space-symbol; #X text 412 217 concatenate the list with spaces; #X text 400 238 this should be "@___@" (_=space); #X text 738 47 needs Gem-CVS; #X text 756 191 give characters in ASCII; #X text 806 237 this is "@___@"; #X connect 0 0 15 0; #X connect 3 0 2 0; #X connect 4 0 14 0; #X connect 6 0 5 0; #X connect 7 0 6 0; #X connect 8 0 7 0; #X connect 9 0 8 0; #X connect 10 0 9 0; #X connect 11 0 1 0; #X connect 12 0 13 0; #X connect 14 0 5 0; #X connect 15 0 1 0;