Le 2012-01-02 à 21:57:00, Antonio Roberts a écrit :
Can anyone enlighten me on how you would use [part_info] together with [color] to generate randomly coloured particles, with each particle having a randomly generated colour?
BTW, you can generate GL shapes using [gf/gl] together with thinly sliced matrices. You make big random matrices with the probability distributions that you want, process them like you want, and then use [#import] and [#to_l] to create small lists, and then messageboxes to construct input for [gf/gl], which is easier to use than the GEMgl classes, most of the time.
[gf/gl] is still made solely for interacting with [gemwin], though one day, it could also be made to work independently of it, as an option.
| Mathieu BOUCHARD ----- téléphone : +1.514.383.3801 ----- Montréal, QC