sven wrote:
what's the best ext to play in-memory samples? it should work on linux and windows. i can't use arrays because it stores samples as 32bit floats so it takes up too much memory. it should be possible to play samples at arbitrary speed - setting speed or doing it a la tabread4~ would be ok.
ah, i have forgotten about this
about a year ago i wrote a small library "iem16": 16bit versions of delay~s (del16write~, del16read~, vd16~) and tables (table16, tab16read~, tab16write~,...). i had written it, because i had to do delay-based timeshifting of 4 channels over long periods of time on a laptop with only 512MB of ram. since 16bit is good enough for CD i though it was tolerable to use it for such things.
i have checked it into the CVS (externals/iem16) now. i will put the binaries online (
mfg.a.sdr IOhannes