Le 29/11/2012 19:46, Pagano, Patrick a écrit :
Yes, sorry, I have it correct in the f1 patch I neglected to type the 82 earlier It's still not responding Double checked
-----Original Message----- From: Martin Peach [mailto:martin.peach@sympatico.ca] Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2012 1:43 PM To: Pagano, Patrick Cc: Hans-Christoph Steiner; Py Fave; pd-list@iem.at Subject: Re: [PD] comport questions
On 2012-11-29 11:49, Pagano, Patrick wrote:
I have now tried with a projection Design f1 projector and I still cannot get comport to talk to the projector I can open the port, I see the device, it accepts settings but when I send the ascii it still has no effect. The f1 command is :POWR1'CR' [58 80 79 87 49 13[
should be [58 80 79 87 82 49 13]
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Hello Patrick,
have you tried 13+10 instead of 13 only ? ++