Hi Miller !
IŽm used to working with max...
When IŽm using float-constants as arguments for objects (or messages), pd truncates them extremely ! So itŽs not possible to make for example a filter (biquad~) with a desired frequency response.
DonŽt you think the length is too short ?
In my opinion it is very useful to can switch to another table (array) (set -function or int (float) -function).
WhatŽs the reason for taking away this functions (IŽv seen the dead code in d_array.c)?
Ciao, Feldi
Christian Feldbauer Tel: +43 316 825083 Email 1: feldi@sbox.tu-graz.ac.at Email 2: feldbauer@iem.mhsg.ac.at Home: http://www.sbox.tu-graz.ac.at/home/f/feldi/