if your problem is detecting when cpu is over 100% so that delay is not acurate, then the best solution is some kind of external watchdog.
just send a message every 10 ms to an other software, if this external software did not receive anything during the last 20ms, then there is a cpu problem on the pd side...
the external software can be an other pd, a shell script (using pdreceive, or anything else.
cheers c
Le 30/10/2012 18:13, Jean-Marie Adrien a écrit :
Hello I'm trying to launch security procedures in case of trouble, that will respond in less than 250 msec. The fundamental question is :
Is there an object to schedule an event in the future with firm absolute delay ?
{realtime} measures time AFTER the problem (no scheduling) {del} schedules things but the delay is kind of elastic, depending on the CPU load.
thanks JM
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