Hi Matt,
Can anyone indicate to me what the main differences/advantages are to using xrecord~, loop~, susloop~ (?), xgroove~ etc over the plain old tabwrite~, tabplay~.
i can only speak for the xsample objects because these are the ones i use in most cases. xrecord~ has some additions which might be handy, e.g. mixing-in, signal-triggered recording. xgroove~ is somewhat different to tabplay~ since the playing speed is controlled by a signal, and there are some more features like different interpolation modes, selectable units etc. (the cvs version also has *experimental* cross-fading loop fade zones) Have a look at the help files that come with the xsample package.
I use tabplay~ for looping audio samples, linked to a metro object.
Is this not the ideal way??
It works quite well if the loop is long enough. For very short (granular) loops the time resolution of the bang messages may not be good enough.
greetings, Thomas