hi davide
i found two objects for doing convolution:
[partconv~] from ben saylor http://puredata.info/Members/bensaylor/partconv~-0.1.tar.gz/file_view
[FIR~] from iemlib http://iem.kug.ac.at/pd/iemlib/
partconv means partitioned convolution. i'm not an expert, but afaik this means it makes a few small convolutions instead of one very big. this makes [partconv~] less cpu consumptive than [FIR~].
for doing reverb i suggest to use [partconv~], because of the huge length of the IR.
cheers roman
----- Original Message ----- From: "Davide Morelli" info@davidemorelli.it To: "PD list" pd-list@iem.at Sent: Saturday, April 02, 2005 1:24 PM Subject: [PD] Impulse Response - Convolution Reverb
I would like to try to code an IR reverb in PD to get full control
over the
Impulse (and modify it realtime). I have studied everything I could find on convolution and FFT, now I
wondering how to apply it to a continous flux of data.. Any clue on where to start from?
an IR reverb example (VST): http://www.knufinke.de/sir/index_en.html
best, davide.
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