On 2011-08-29 20:04, Mathieu Bouchard wrote:
On Mon, 29 Aug 2011, Ed Kelly wrote:
The problem is that some objects can generate unstable errors that are orders of magnitude greater than normal audio signals. Then there is a signal that maybe goes between +/- 100000 rather than +/- 1, and the volume control makes little difference.
It's much, much worse than that. If you have anything that multiplies the amplitude of the signal by 1.0001 at every sample, the amplitude gets 82 times louder every 44100 samples, and it will go beyond 8e+37 and rounded to infinity, where no multiplication by a fraction can possibly fix it.
that's quite a few billion billion billion.
It's easy to get there. Put the wrong number in [*~] in a delay-loop, or put the wrong number in [rpole~], ...
Yeah, you can actually blow the whole planet to pieces by accidentally multiplying your output by a trillion.