Hallo, robcanning hat gesagt: // robcanning wrote:
ok, so this code finds all the scores with a value greater than one and sends them to outlet one when given the message [greaterthan(
function M:in_1_greaterthan() for i, v in ipairs(self.mydata) do if tonumber(string.match(table.concat(v, " "), "score=(%d+)")) > 1 then self:outlet(1, "", v) end end end
now i want to be able to send the message [greaterthan score 3(
so in the code where it says "score=(%d+)")) - i need "score" to be variable from second part of the message the ">1" needs to be a variable from the 3rd part of the message
i know its somewhere within the () below but i cant seem to get it right function M:in_1_greaterthan()
Okay, now function M:in_1_greaterthan() needs to accept additional data. This gets passed as an argument to the function. Arguments are wrapped in a table in pdlua. In the following I called that table "args", but you can call it anything. Then "args" is concatenated into a single search string.
function M:in_1_greaterthan(args) searchstring = table.concat(args, " ") for i, v in ipairs(self.mydata) do if tonumber(string.match(table.concat(v, " "), searchstring)) > 1 then self:outlet(1, "", v) end end end
Frank Barknecht _ ______footils.org__