I found a method using "memcpy". Seems like it is working for now.
Arda Eden ardaeden@gmail.com, 5 Nis 2019 Cum, 16:00 tarihinde şunu yazdı:
Hi, I am trying to write a Pure Data external for getting real time motion capture values from an Xsens system. According to the manual ( https://xsens.com/download/usermanual/3DBM/MVN_real-time_network_streaming_p...), the x, y and z coordinates of the skeleton segment positions are transferred over network (udp) as sequential 4 bytes (32 bit floating point
- big endian).
I am reading the udp data with [netreceive] succesfully and able to reach any value I need. Now trying to find a way to combine these (big endian) sequential 4 bytes in order to get the resulting 32 bit floating point number. A little advice would speed me up.
By the way, I studied the [oscparse] source. It was very helpful in most ways but also a little complicated too.
Thanks already.
-- Arda EDEN Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi Sanat ve Tasarım Fakültesi Müzik ve Sahne Sanatları Bölümü Duysal (Ses) Sanatları Tasarımı Programı İstanbul/Türkiye
Yildiz Technical University Faculty of Art and Design Department of Music and Performing Arts Audio Design Program Istanbul/Turkey