Ask for a hint on GEM patch:
I am distributing a patch which processes pix_video which works fine for me on
Debian Linux, but others using Mac OS-X it does not work.
A search brought up a fix:
( )::
- create a new patch with a [gemwin] object
- open the [gemwin] object (it's an abstraction)
- find the [pd window] object (somewhere in the middle of the patch)
- open the [pd window] object (it's a subpatch)
- find the [gemdefaultwindow] object (somewhere in the middle of the patch)
- open the [gemdefaultwindow] object (it's an abstraction)
- find the [gemmacoswindow] object
- replace it with a [gemglfw3window] object
- save the gemdefaultwindow.pd abstraction
- restart Pd & happily live after
Which worked on Mac-OS
But, when we share the patch with git repo for differen OSes, everything turns
out to be complicated... always apply the patch again ?
So what is the best pratice to solve the issue in the patch that works on all
OS ?
Test Patch: Gem Example 00.Simple.Video.pd
- ao.Univ.Prof. DI Winfried Ritsch
- -
- Institut fuer Elektronische Musik und Akustik
- University of Music and Dramatic Art Graz
- Tel. ++43-316-389-3510 (3170) Fax ++43-316-389-3171