hello! i ran in to this problem with 0.18 as well. as far as i remember you can do a make clean (also stops with errors, but works) and then make ggext
regards d13b
I am trying to compile ggee v 0.19
I cannot make ggext
ld -export_dynamic -shared -o ggext.pd_linux ggee.o */*.o -lpthread -lm -lc ld: cannot open */*.o: Aucun fichier ou r?pertoire de ce type
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^It means no files or dir */*.o and yes there are no */*.o
The separate objects are made but cannot be build into the classic ggext.pd_linux form. Seems an option in the makefile prevent from doing the intermediate .o files...
Any clues to change options to have them again ?