I'm not getting segfaults like Wade is, using pd 0.37-4 + jack + realtime-lsm. I just can't convince PD to start in realtime as a user. It works on my other computer, but not the one I'm at now. Somebody please refresh my memory and tell me what magic I did to make it work before :-)
Im using 0.38-0test13 because Millers source didnt compile on my x86_64 when last I tried. Also I have been told that using the -jack and -rt flags is a oxymoron. The -rt flag is for alsa and the -jack is (obviously) for jack. What we should be able to do is run jackd as user and pd as user, jackd gets priority in the scheduler by virtue of realtime-lsm and pd connects to jack. I guess that jackd is the only part of the system that needs priority in the scheduler...
For some reason I can run jackd as user no problem, and I can run pd as user if its run fom within gdb, albeit with TONS of DIO errors, but I cannot run pd as user normally as I get the afor mentioned segfault.
If it helps with figuring out where the segfault occurs, the pd window gui flashes onto the screen quickly right before the segfault. If I dont miss my mark, pd initializes the gui then starts parsing the flags in .pdrc, which means that when it hits the -jack flag (first in the list) it trys to connect to jackd and the segfault occurs. Right?