Hello everybody, I have downloaded pd0.38Test10 lately and seems like I cannot type $ sign in any object or message boxes. I am using g3 400Mhz powerbook with OSX. 0.37.4 does not have any problem with $ sign, I would like to ask if anyone did come across with this kind of bug in pd0.38Test10? Also I can only use Help menu once for each time I run pd0.38Test10. It does not respond anything to my attempts to use more than once. This might be also a bug report.
best, Koray.
M.Koray Tahiroglu DA student/researcher Media Lab, University of Art and Design Helsinki, TaiK Hameentie 135C 00560 Helsinki Finland http://mlab.uiah.fi/~korayt/ tel: +358 40 754 8449 fax: +358 9 75630 555