Hi, It would be great if you could simply try out the native ASIO implementation of devel_0_38 and give some feedback. I'm having fun with my RME HDSP, running at measured latencies below 10 ms. With Portaudio i never achieved latencies below 25 ms. It works mostly, although with some things still to fix. Tim and i are positive that the latency can still be reduced.
best greetings, Thomas
I had problems too, trying to start pd 0.38test10 with an emagic emi 2/6. (Won't run at all). Seems that the portaudio code of pd is less than optimal. Not sure if the way to solve this is writing native ASIO code, as it is done currently by Tim and Tom (;)), or to fix the portaudio stuff.
On Mon, 22 Nov 2004, smoerk wrote:
is it possible to get low latency with Pd and asio drivers on windows? i have a usb audio card (hercules dj console, don't lough), that works very well with audiomulch (4ms latency), but with Pd i have dropouts with the default 70ms delay.
as the usb card works perfectly with audiomulch, why doesn't it work with pd? both use portaudio? are there any command line parameter i have to apply?
(btw, how do i get a list of alle the command line parameters with pd 0.38-test10?)
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