should be able to write list literals inside constructors, like in jMax. for example:
@for {0 0} {240 320} {1 1}
should call the new-function for the @for with 3 arguments that are all lists containing two integer atoms each.
VSlider and HSlider should be merged together, and allow for all four directions (includes right-to-left, top-to-bottom).
VDial and HDial should be merged together, and allow for all four directions.
Delete key should work when editing an object/comment/etc.
what about jMax's fork object ?
what about jMax's "value view" (on canvas) object ?
either jMax's nested patchers, or a more powerful concept: embedded abstractions (like regular abstractions but need not live in a different file)
should be able to add atom types and define increfs/decrefs on them.
Mathieu Bouchard