I did a build for win32 using Christof's makefiles about 16hours ago.
I used "doc/7.stuff/tools/miditester.pd" with a midi-cable loop on my soundcard's midi in/out
Here's the console:
sent channel: noteon 64 65 sent channel: noteon 66 0 sent channel: polytouch 67 68 sent channel: control 69 70 sent channel: program 71 sent channel: touch 72 sent channel: bend -8119 sent channel: noteon 64 0 sent system: sysex sent system: 1 2 3 4 5 247 sent system: timecode sent system: 10 sent system: songpos sent system: 20 30 sent system: song sent system: 40 sent system: tunerequest received sysexin: start received sysexin: 1 received sysexin: 2 received sysexin: 3 received sysexin: 4 received sysexin: 5 received sysexin: end received system: timecode 10 received system: songpos 20 30 received system: song 40 received system: tunerequest sent system: clock sent system: start sent system: continue sent system: stop sent system: activesense sent system: systemreset received realtime: clock received realtime: start received realtime: continue received realtime: stop received realtime: activesense received realtime: systemreset received channel: noteon 64 65 received channel: noteon 66 0 received channel: polytouch 68 67 received channel: control 70 69 received channel: program 70 received channel: touch 72 received channel: bend 73 0 received channel: noteon 64 0
Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.
On 12/4/2017 9:40 AM, Dan Wilcox wrote: For MIDI heads out there who can build Pd, can y'all test the current git master?
My midifixes PRhttps://github.com/pure-data/pure-data/pull/214 was merged into master and it would be good to get some testing on it.
I developed a tool to test things which might be handy: https://github.com/danomatika/miditester
Dan Wilcox @danomatikahttp://twitter.com/danomatika danomatika.comhttp://danomatika.com robotcowboy.comhttp://robotcowboy.com
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