On 2013-01-29 11:59, Alexandros Drymonitis wrote:
I don't really understand the meaning of 'context' (not the actual word, but the way you're using it)..how are these contexts accessible? How are commands being executed when sent to the same object?
a "context" is simply a new shell process (i tried to avoid the naming to prevent confusion with the [shell] object; seems like i failed).
you cannot "access" it.
it's very similar to the following. open a terminal (which will run an instance of /bin/sh)
me@foo$ cd /tmp me@foo$ pwd /tmp me@foo$ /bin/sh sh-4.2$ pwd /tmp sh-4.2$ cd ~ sh-4.2$ pwd /home/me sh-4.2$ exit me@foo$ pwd /tmp me@foo$ /bin/sh sh-4.2$ pwd /tmp
here you are running a shell session (context, process) within another shell; whatever you do with in the first sub-shell (lines 4..10), will not effect what you can do in the 2nd subshell (14..15)
gvmnasdr IOhannes