Hi Rune, many thanks for your report.
- I've created the patch for setting up the directory structure(32 absolute dirs and 8 subdirs for each). The name(key) for each absolute dir works fine but the subdirs seem to 'inherit' the name of its parent dir no matter how I use the mksub/mkchsub command. Is it supposed to be like this, or am I just doing something wrong?
This is a bug in pool - i just fixed it.
- I've noticed instabilities on some occations: Sending clrrec to pool without any other command tends to do strange things to pd, also just closing a patch containing Pool often gives an error to the console, and sometimes it even causes PD to crash and hog 99% of my computers resources.
I haven't found any problems with [clrrec(, but i'm not sure if it's really what you want in your patch (before loadx). Note that it clear the current folder and below, relative to the current directory. It seems, you ant [reset( , or maybe [chdir, clrrec( It would be great if you could report your problems with clrrec in more detail, if possible in a reproducible fashion.
My setup is winXP, pd39.2 and pool 0.2.2pre(the one in the beta folder at Thomas' homepage)
Would you please try the new beta version i just uploaded?
greetings, Thomas