On 11/07/18 04:13, Peter P. wrote:
Furthermore, does anyone know if the 'tc' user can be added to an audiogroup, whose permissions could be elevated through /etc/security/limits.conf (currently not present in piCore).
I think you could do this by settings the rtprio limit directly in: /opt/bootscript.sh
It seems that sysctl and ulimit can't set this but maybe this will help:
This might be off-topic, but has anyone managed to create a persisntent home directory inside /dev/mmcblk0p2 (the ext2/3 partition created by piCore itself, which I did maximize already)?
You can use the command filetool.sh -b
to backup a snapshot of the
homedir to the SD card and it will be returned to that state on reboot.
There is also a kernel boot parameter to make the homedir persist automatically:
I am so happy my patch runs without dropouts on the RPi 1 and that it boots so fast!
I'm a huge fan of this platform too! I had the original RPi 1 rendering mod files to Alsa out and only using 4% CPU.
Probably OT but I gave a talk about my experience with piCore last night at the local Linux users group: