On 08/11/2012 01:58 PM, Michael Zacherl wrote:
In Pd-extended it could be easier since there are more possibilities to control the init-phase of a just loaded patch. I think it's in iemlib (Iohannes could chime in) but admittedly I forgot about it, since also there was a lot of discussion wether this should go into Vanilla or not,
the secrect is [initbang], which fires when the abstraction is ready (rather than [loadbang], which fires when all the patch (with all the abstractions, sub-patches and what not) is ready)).
unfortunately, i haven't found a way to make [initbang] without hacking Pd itself, so it's not part of any library (e.g. iemlib).
instead, there is a (low-level) "patch" for Pd somewhere in the tracker, which is applied to Pd-extended (but unfortunately not to Pd-vanilla).
thus: if you want to need [initbang] (which you do if you really need variable in/outlets in abstractions), you need to either compile Pd yourself or use Pd-extended (only the core binary, no need for any externals here)
fgmasdr IOhannes