Hi Alexandre, hi all,
Yesterday I corrected an error in mtx_phon_curve-help.pd and changed the behaviour of [mtx_phon_curve] abstraction (pure-data.cvs.sf.net/cvsroot/puredata/externals/iem/iemmatrix/abs). Now the output is in dB, just like everyone would expect; before it was p^2/p0^2 ...
On Thursday 08 February 2007 06:43, Alexandre Quessy wrote:
Hello all, Very nice, mr. Zmoelnig. Of course, this is exactly what I need. To use this very nice abstraction, I simply need to multiply the amplitude of the pitch I want to level by the corresponding amplitude in db, which will need to passed in [db2rms] ?
[*~] ...
Awesome !
Alexandre Quessy
Perhaps a nice version could be now:
number box [osc~] | [mtx 1 1] [mtx_phon_curve 60] [$3( [dbtorms] [*~]
btw, there is an object in iemmatrix called [mtx_phon_curve] which should give you what you want.
since it is an abstraction, you can even see how the curves are created.
mfga.sdr IOhannes
Thanks !