I put in Iohannes's patches, and, with more effort, tried to fold in the Mac OSX stuff to the original sources... you can get them at
if you doing also the multicard patch of Iohannes, that on linux systems for specify the soundcard(s) nr and channel number for each card, it would be helpfull also to clear the fragsize-problem for the hammerfall, since on hammerfall now you cannot change the buffersize.
I enabled this commenting out
/* if (linux_fragsize != 64) { if (linux_fragsize) post("warning: overiding blocksize to 64!"); linux_fragsize = 64; } */ which in fact I dont know the reason it is in the source.
(btw. since hammerfall has always two fragments, the fragmentnumber always returned by the ioctl call is 2.
and if I do a fragment size like -fragsize 4,5,6,7,8,... pd calulates a fragsize like 128,256,512, ?-) )
Anyhow using the blocksize statement is better and works if the above is commented out, also the audiobuffer value on verbose out is not adjusted and always 40msec, which i can change with the -audiobuf statement, which is fine.
I am not sure if audiobuf message (= sys_schedadvance) has any effect on operation, since the blocksize does the delay input/output and I didnt get any clicks...
If you want I can have a deeper look in it next week, but I got lost somewhere in the sources now, but it works.
mfg winfried