hi all,
i just noticed that declaring a library with *both* '-lib' and '-stdlib' will load two libraries (if it can be found in the stdpath)
e.g. [declare -lib bonk~ -stdlib bonk~]
this will load bonk~ twice. typically it will load the same library twice: once it's found in the stdpath, and the other time it's found in the normal paths (that include the stdpath). sometimes two different binaries are loaded, iff the there's a library with the same name is also found in a non-stdpath.
i wonder if this is intentional.
i'm absolutely in favour that "-lib" loads libraries in the stdpath. (i'm just mentioning this, even though i don't think that this is actually the issue here)
typically, libraries are not loaded multiple times and there is special code that tries to prevent duplicate loading. however, this code does not kick in when using both -stdlib and -lib.
is this intentional?
gmfds IOhannes