I'm working with MobMuPlat and I'm having problems with receiving messages through OSC... but the problem is not in MobMuPlat, but in my tablet Android version (4.0.3).
If I send with Pd-Extended 0.44 or Pd-Vanilla 0.46, the messages arrives in a weird mode. Sometimes, they arrive good... sometimes, the first element in the list is lost, sometimes it concatenates the first word of the last message with the actual message... it converts 0 or 1 to a float (e.g. "2.7908e+29")... etc.
My question: while I still have this tablet (and don't buy another one) and this problem can't be resolved (because it is not a MobMuPlat bug)... Is there any way to send a message previously packed and to be unpacked in MMP patch? I don't know... to put everything in a single packed message... (a blob?) and then, the tablet MMP patch converts to the real message. Maybe this could be a workaround...