p d wrote:
Hello all, I'm trying to control motors from pd. A few post in the pd-list deals with that problems, but from user-experience, i would like to know which one is the easiest one . The Parrallax Servo Controller seams to be a cheap solution, like Martin Peach explained but how is it working? Is it possible to control a bipolar motor (I need them to drive a toothed rack backward and forward)? Any help is apreciated. Thank you. pablo
What motor do you have? Is it a servo/stepper/dc motor? Bipolar steppers or reversible dc motors need to be controlled by an H-bridge circuit. Servos can be hacked to rotate continuously but usually only have a 180 degree range of motion. If you have an H-bridge circuit you could use the Arduino with pd to control it. The servo controller just needs a serial port. Here's some info about steppers: http://www.piclist.com/techref/piclist/jal/DrivingBipolarStepperMotors.htm