Hi all
I know this is a little off topic, but this seems like the best place to ask. I was wondering what the best way to implement a sequencer is. I know that's a big question, but I mean in the most abstract way. I've been experimenting with java and have tried keeping the MIDI notes in a sorted list and have a thread that, after its started, checks the elapsed time (in 1/64th ticks) compared to the first MIDI note's timestamp. If the timestamp matches the current tick then it does something with that note. I've been sending messages to Pure Data and tested the accuracy of the clock with the [timer] object, but sometimes there are audible differences in the timing when trying to output notes at regular intervals.
I hope that paragraph was coherent...my question is what is a good way to implement a sequencer (if anyone has an abstract explanation)? I'd like to be able to record notes on the fly, if possible.