I am dynamically building an interface, with canvases:
[pd loop] | [obj $1 $2 cnv 12 24 12 send_foo $3 0 0 7 0 10 -166441-33289 0( | [s pd-my-subpatch-name]
but when I go in edit mode and try to open the properties dialog, I see this error in console:
wrong # args: should be "pdtk_iemgui_dialog id mainheader dim_header wdt min_wdt wdt_label hgt min_hgt hgt_label rng_header min_rng min_rng_label max_rng max_rng_label rng_sched lin0_log1 lilo0_label lilo1_label loadbang steady num_label num snd rcv gui_name gn_dx gn_dy gn_f gn_fs bcol fcol lcol"
what's the problem? for the [cnv] params I looked at a .pd file source... I am running miller pd-0.39.2, and this happens on all platforms
thanks in advance