On Tue, Sep 06, 2011 at 09:30:25AM -0700, Jonathan Wilkes wrote:
From: fbar fbar@footils.org I used [makefilename %d] a lot in the rj library's [m_chorddict] dictionary for chords, where some chord names are proper symbols, like "m7", while others are floats like 7. The float-names get converted to symbols internally to look up chord notes in a data structure array keyed by symbols only (using [m_symbolarray]).
At what point are you using numerical-symbol selectors? Everything you've described has the selector 'symbol'.
With "numerical symbol" I meant a proper symbol/t_symbol, that "looks like a number", but of course it's a t_symbol. It's the thing that comes out of [makefilename %d] if you send it e.g. "123". So I'm converting floats to symbols, which I think is not what you proposed.
Anyway I checked, and in m_chorddict I didn't exactly use it like I described (memory was playing tricks on me), so it's not a good example.