On Tue, 2015-10-13 at 16:25 +0200, rolfm@dds.nl wrote:
first it appeared that other libraries do work. secondly i tried a2l instead of atoi: works also.
ok, i did 3 different verbose runs: 1.vanilla with a2l & atoi -> a2l succeeded, atoi not
a2l is an abstraction in recent zexy builds. This is why it can be loaded. [atoi] is part of the zexy.dll, so in order to instantiate it, you need to load [zexy] first. See my previous mail.
2.pdext (which i use in the not-installed version) a2l & atoi it's started with the included pd-extended.bat file. in this bat file the to-load libs are mentioned in the command line. to have no libs i changed the name of the extra folder.
-> a2l succeeded, atoi succeeded
[atoi] succeeded here, because in Pd-extended all object classes are compiled as separate dll files. So, in this case it finds atoi.dll, there is no need to load [zexy] first.
3.pdext as in 2. but without the libs in the command line (and extra
folder not existing)-> a2l succeeded, atoi not
For the same reason as in 1.