Ok...this is my deal. I've been hanging out for max/msp and jitter to come out for windows 'cos I only have cruddy macs at home. I finally gave up on it and have been looking at PD and what it can do with graphics. I've been getting the list digest for the last couple of weeks and thought it was worth asking...
I've found Gem, Framestein and the flashserver externals...all seem pretty interesting. Is there much else out there though? What about stuff that turns images into sound so you could create some kind of image generating sound => sound generating image weird feedback loop?
I don't think Gem does exactly what I want...Framestein seems like it might be closer...but I can't find a hell of a lot of documentation to be sure.
Anyone have any suggestions? I kinda want to be able to make installations with an audio interface...controlling a screen which would probably be playing back from a bank of video clips...hmm...not a very good definition there...I don't completely know what I want to do =).
Any pointers would be joy!