halo list.
i noticed that when a [netsend] tries to connect to another port the audio-output gets interrupted. in fact it's not only audio but the whole gui is blocked. especially when the destination port is not found immediately (which often is the case in my setup) that detail is very annoying.
in x_net.c at line 77ff i probably found the reason for this behavior:
////////// post("connecting to port %d", portno); /* try to connect. LATER make a separate thread to do this because it might block */ if (connect(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *) &server, sizeof (server)) < 0) { sys_sockerror("connecting stream socket"); sys_closesocket(sockfd); return; } /////////
does anybody already have a nonblocking version of [netsend] he would be willing to share? or any hints on how to insert such a thread? miller?
bang a lot. joreg.