Hallo, marius schebella hat gesagt: // marius schebella wrote:
isn't the problem of pd right now, that the audio chain can't be chopped into different threads? if the pd audio chain would support threads for every object, would it be as easy as to add a (or some) line(s) of code for every dsp object?
There was an interesting talk about this on the LAC last weekend. It was at the same time as Miller's workshop, so I would recommend to check out the paper: "Exploiting Multi-Core Architectures for Fast Modular Synthesis" by JÃŒrgen Reuter
Recently, CPU speed increases only slowly, while the number of transistors per chip keeps growing exponentially. Consequently, processors with multi-core architectures are pervading the market. Unfortunately, most existing software still can not exploit the parallelism. Since modular software synthesis implementations typically simulate parallel hardware, they are designated to run on parallel hardware. We examine different approaches for parallelization of a modular software synthesizer and discuss their advantages and disadvantages with respect to both the performance gain and the impact on the software architecture.
Paper: http://lac.linuxaudio.org/download/papers/8.pdf Slides: http://lac.linuxaudio.org/download/slides/8/