I was considering making some kind of PD/GrIPD stand-alone application creator that would allow you to create your PD patch and accompanying GrIPD GUI as normal and then 'compile' them into any easily distributable form with all of the edit options removed and only your GrIPD GUI being displayed. Would anyone be interested in this sort of thing?
| | Joseph A. Sarlo | | jsarlo@mambo.peabody.jhu.edu |______________________________
On Mon, 27 May 2002, Ivan Franco wrote:
Hi there list! I would like to know if there is any possibility of enclosing multiple files into a single one i.e. to be able to distribute pd patchs has an application (no gui option, GRIPD and a single file containing pd itself and all necessary functioning externals). I like the idea of distributing standalones has possible in Max... Thanks people. Ivan