Units which you might find useful are [env~] and [bonk~]
The [env~] unit returns the RMS level of the current audio block, which may be followed with a comparator.
[bonk~] is far more sophisticated, returning a float representing the weighted spectral change of the input according to a template or accumulated profile. It's used specifically for realtime beat detection.
In both cases the result is a control rate message (bang or float) which can be used to fire off a new message, either explicit or by dollar substitution, to create your ramp.
dear list members,
i am currently porting some max granular patch of mine to pd, where one object gives me some trouble. i am now looking for the function in pd of triggering a linear ramp with a audio signal (resp. click), with the ability of controlling the speed of the ramp also with a signal. i know that there is an rampsmooth port, but this one takes only messages for the rampspeed.
anyone can help? btw., platform is windows and linux...
thanks in advance,
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