On Mon, 4 Oct 2010, Jonathan Wilkes wrote:
I do remember that in Desiredata you have to actually create the object with <ctrl-Enter> before you are able to autoconnect another one, which is an unnecessary step.
Ctrl-Enter doesn't do what you say it does. It introduces a newline in the text you are writing. Somehow it used to be doing it correctly, but stopped doing it correctly when the history feature was added to objectbox edition (there were just too many features in DesireData : that one overrode the normal use of the up and down arrows. I don't recall why we did it like that.)
a plain Enter terminates the objectbox, which is a lot more convenient than taking the mouse and find a spot where there's a piece of nothingness you can click on so that your objectbox gets made without triggering any other change by accident.
then in DesireData, a box you finished with Enter is also automatically selected, and this selection is used in determining the origin of the auto-connection done when making an objectbox with Ctrl-6 (six).
| Mathieu Bouchard ------------------------------ Villeray, Montréal, QC