I forgot to mention, [gemwin_control] was written under 0.39.2.
Graph-On-Parent changed a lot in 0.39, so GOP patches are not really
backwards compatible.
Before extending this one more, I want to see about integrating with
the pixelTANGO objects, since Ben's done a great job with those.
On Apr 1, 2006, at 5:01 PM, adrian goya wrote:
Hi Hans, when i open the help file, I get an ugly overlapping of
gui's. If I change the positions of the canvas and the toggles
inside the control_gemwin.pd, and resize the window, it gets fixed.
I'm running pd 38.4-extended rc6 in osx 10.4. (see attached files)I think a small object like this one comes in handy precisely
because it is small. I wouldn't know about expanding it into a more
complex object, although I would suggest adding window size and
fullscreen 2 options since this options are more frecuently used
(in my experience) than, say, stereoscopic vision...how about making a second object to control the rest of the gemwin
messages?adrian goya
On 4/1/06, Hans-Christoph Steiner hans@eds.org wrote:
Here's a version that fixes some bugs, plus a very simple help file. Try creating a new one in the help panel to see the status querying in action.
This leads me to another question, is there a way to set the framerate with a message? This object makes that necessary. I am also wondering whether I should expand it into a general gemwin control panel with more info, but then I am reproducing the pixelTANGO objects...
On Apr 1, 2006, at 3:56 PM, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
I made a GUI object to control the [gemwin] object that also displays its status. When a new instance is created, it queries existing instances to get the status. That way all instances will show the same status. I am planning on using this in the intro to Gem tutorial/workshop that I am currently working on. So feedback would be appreciated.
Is there any way to query [gemwin] directly?
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<original.png> <fix?.png> <gemwin_control.pd>
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