1/ Thank you. I can compress stand alone. However I have some
problems to realise stand alone from folder and from patch, it's
certainl because I don't know the logic of this.
I explain : when I create stand alone from a patch, no abstract —
that I have realised — is integrated. And when I want to create this
from a folder, when I load the stand alone, it doesn't function.
I test.
2/ About number of files restrictiion : the patch is not with wii
(and with my patches which use the wii, I haven't bug or crash ?
however I use all coordonates of wii and nunchuck, as well for sound
and video). It's a video/sound patch for poetry performance, with
many subpatchs and abstracts. This patch turns good with 0.39, and
when I load it with 0.40.3, many abstracts are not loaded.
best regards
Le 19 oct. 08 à 18:19, Hans-Christoph Steiner a écrit :
Here's the file compressed, you can just replace /Applications/Pd- extended/Contents/Resources/bin/pd.tk with this one to fix it.
On Oct 19, 2008, at 4:00 AM, philippe boisnard wrote:
I have a problem to create standalone with PD-extended 0.43 I have a message errr :
chmod: /Applications/pure-data/mixsonoreHP/untitled.app: No such file or directory chmod: /Applications/pure-data/mixsonoreHP/untitled.app: No such file or directory while executing "exec -- chmod -R u+w $appdir" (procedure "makeapp_createapp" line 5) invoked from within "makeapp_createapp $appdir" (procedure "menu_makeapp" line 18) invoked from within "menu_makeapp 0" (menu invoke)
best regards
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You can't steal a gift. Bird gave the world his music, and if you
can hear it, you can have it. - Dizzy Gillespie