Hello dafydd,
DLDI is a wrapper library to compensate for the different ways each DS cartridge (such as R4 and other hardware of the same purpose) accesses external files stored from within the .nds application. i.e., "Nitrotracker" (which I imagine you have tried already) needs the DLDI patch applied to the .nds file in order to load&store samples from the SD card. I believe DLDIDrop automates this patching as you transfer the .nds file to memory. In other words, if the .nds file you plan to use does not rely on the DLDI library, you can simply copy the file and it should work fine.
Unless I recall incorrectly, FUDIKaosDS does not rely on the DLDI library as it does not access any external file.
To be honest, I have not tried "Knobs & Sliders" yet, only FUDIKasoDS. Maybe these two binaries were built at different timings, or then again, it may just have been me missing something.
I haven't updated my R4 in a while. If it is of interest to anyone, maybe I can give Chris's binaries another try and apologize for causing all the noise if necessary.
-- David Shimamoto
Hi David
I think I've got v 1.17, but I also had no trouble with earlier firmware and Knobs & Sliders. I was using Chris' compiled .nds file. Would DLDIDrop have made a difference? (I don't know a lot about this stuff - I'm still at the just try stuff and hope it works phase with my DS.
cheers dafydd
On Thu, Mar 27, 2008 at 10:41 PM, PSPunch shima@pspunch.com wrote:
At one point, I could not get homebrew apps using wifi (including FUDIKaosDS binaries on Chris's site) to work on my R4. This was until the DSwifi libraries were updated at which point, binaries I built worked just fine.
This was with R4 kernel version 1.14 I think. What do you use? Some things may have changed unless I was doing something wrong.
-- David Shimamoto
Am I missing something? It seems to work fine on my R4 (and it's really cool)
cheers dafydd
On Thu, Mar 27, 2008 at 1:53 AM, Chris McCormick chris@mccormick.cx wrote:
On Sat, Mar 22, 2008 at 08:09:33PM +0900, PSPunch wrote:
Thanks for viewing my work. That post on YouTube was made by me. (shortly after I suggested you a while back to recompile the DS binaries using the later Wifi library adding support for R4)
Thanks for making the video available. I am getting an R4 soon, so I'll certainly be re-compiling the binary with the new wifi library so it works with that.
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