anyone know what the status of this stuff is in .37.1? i'm trying to get my pd installation to listen to an external hardware seq's midi clock and i'm not getting anything from [midiclkin] and i've tested that i am indeed getting sync to other software...
Daniel Heckenberg wrote:
A patch of a different sort: Apply the attached patch to the source of pd-36-0 to improve support for midi system messages.
[midirealtimein] [midisyscomin] [miditimecodein] [midisongposin] [midisongselin] will then be available and will work as you might expect (under Windows at least).
[midiin] works better too.
I also have an external [miditimedecode] which can turn the miditimecodein bytestream back into into SMPTE. Hmm I guess I should add this to the externals repository... but you actually need to be able to get at the miditimecode message pairs for it to be useful...
Let me know if you can't compile and I'll provide a patched binary for you.
----- Original Message ----- From: "e skogen" To: Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2003 8:20 AM Subject: [PD] midi clock for pd on NT?
hi kids,
i'm running pd on windows XP and i'd like to get midi clock in.
does anyone have an example patch for the midirealtimein or midiclkin objects? do these work? is there any hope for a midiin for windows?
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