On Mon, 2008-01-28 at 16:30 +0100, Frans Haarman wrote:
Hi List,
I've been looking for a way to add functions to my midi controller surfaces! PureData seems like the tool to help me add some cool stuff to the midi signals I am sending.
data retrieving: check the helpfile of the object class [ctlin]
My biggest whish/need is for 2 kinds of modules, one to do "log scaling" and one todo "control smoothing" of midi signals.
smoothing: check the helpfile of [line]
change scale: check [exp] and [log]
The idea is to make one fader on my BCF send out varius midi CC signals, some smoothed, some reversed, some log scaled, etc. etc.
reverse: check [+ ] and [* ]
I do this on my DSP cards now but its taking to much CPU. PureData will take much less (I hope!)
i'd expect the cpu consumption of a few such operations to be neglectable.
I've also been looking for a list with all availible modules/objects/..... which I can use inside PureData!
right-click on empty space in a canvas and chose 'help'. that should open a list with all classes that are delivered by pd.
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