shift8 schrieb:
a la ndiswrapper? the precedent would seem to be set for kernel modules that wrap windows drivers...
simular. Although I wouldn't like to see more wrapper around binary windows drivers, its just a workaround. My point was to take away the IP stuff from the driver and move/lock whatever onto the device or card. So for instance on the graphic card the driver is really just a bunch of OpenGL commands, which should be no secret and triggers the stuff on the card. So they can opensource the part on the computer so it can be kept alive. The stuff on the card can be updated by the vendor anyway by flashing it. So its a matter of layer/wrapper code and what part of code stays in the actual driver (on the computer) and on the card (in a flashrom).
Of course a total open version where you can even change the microcode would be much cooler and safer investment indeed. I like for instance the Linksys router where you can flash your own opensource os onto it, so that device stay uptodate and secure long in the future and can be modified to different purposes when you wish.
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