Thank you for such a great tool!
Here: v2.0-pre1 from Deken, Windows 10, tested the help-files on the same machine.
Send and receive -helppatches within the same instance of PD, one stream only:
Added an array with the statistics of [sel block_lost] and [sel block_resent].
block_lost from time to time within in a while, with an avarage around ~+- 1 second. No block_resent prints at all (neither if I activate this manually)!
Realtime-Priority of wish86.exe and pd.exe is set in the Windows-taskmanager. It seems, that working or not on the machine, changes the number of times lost blocks accrue a little. Moving a PD window around, resizing it ect. but this doesn't always happen. Less lost packages when leaving the machine alone, but still some.
Seems to be independent of )bufsize] settings, tried 2 to 200 ms. Seems to be independent of wifi turned on or off.
Send and receive -helppatch separated by two instances of PD, on the same machine, one stream only:
block_lost around every 200 ms, with bufsize >10, tested until bufsize 5000. With bufsize small as 4 ms, much more lost blocks. Never any block_resent print out.
Both instances with real-time priority.
Never touched other settings, such as timefilter or packetsize, as I am not sure how to match such parameters?
Didn't try -nogui flag yet. Didn't try on Linux yet.
What is the DLL-timefilter? Why resending of lost packages doesn't work?
Regards *