On 12/20/07, Mike McGonagle mjmogo@gmail.com wrote:
On Dec 20, 2007 10:41 AM, Russell Bryant russell@russellbryant.net wrote:
So, after going through my own mental exercise to analyze the situation, I
don't think any changes should be made at all.
I agree with this. This is just one of the few (or more) things you need to know about when dealing with PD. It even says it on the help page for [until]...
I don't think I want the software to try and second guess what I want, and if I construct an [until] that is an infinite loop, then so be it...
The only problem I see with it is a contrast with other programming & development environments. If you create a problem in your code, you shouldn't be able to crash the development environment. You halt the process, make changes, and re-compile. And Pd patching is different from this. I'd say it warrants some consideration whether there is a means to allow Pd to make errors without crashing or becoming unresponsive.
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