az., 2014.eko aberen 17a 21:01(e)an, IOhannes m zmölnig igorleak idatzi zuen:
On 12/17/2014 05:40 PM, enrike wrote:
hi all
is there some way to run PD 32 bits on a Ubuntu 64 bits system?
sorry if this is stupid question but after a quick search I could not see any recent answer.
my expertise is Debian only, but should apply to ubuntu as well.
make sure you have a recent enough system
enable multi-arch:
$ sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
(probably update your apt cache)
$ sudo apt-get update
install the i386 binary:
$ sudo apt-get install puredata:i386
make sure to read the multiarch guide [1].
gfasdr IOhannes
I forgot to say I actually need pd-extended. I tried the method you suggest but with the pd-extended guide for Ubuntu (adding the ppa etc...) but I get conflicts with some libraries. I just installed the system a couple of hours ago and I am wondering if it is worth reinstalling a 32 bit system from scratch